Saturday, October 19, 2024

Featured JAH - 10/19/2024, Nov/Dec 2003

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! We're finishing up 2003 with this week's issue, so let's get started! 

On the front cover is the winning entry in the holiday cover photo contest, featuring a handsome gray Shire A.  

In the Editor's Desk, Natasha previews the whole magazine and mentions Breyerfest 2004's theme (Fiesta Equina). There's also a blurb about volunteering. 

On page 3 is an update about the Double Exposure set not selling out, as I mentioned last issue. We also have some Letters to the Editor. 

On page 4 we have the first part of an article about Breyer portrait horse Blackhome Grandeur Lyn and a reveal of his portrait model on the Belgian. 

The Blackhome Grandeur Lyn article concludes on page 5. After a ton of scrolling through Facebook posts, it appears that Lyn died in 2004 at the age of 22. 

On page 6 is an article about Black Jack, the riderless horse from JFK's funeral procession, along with the resin Black Jack. 

On page 7 is an article about the return of Cloud the wild stallion, plus his new family set. 

After skipping a how-to article and the reveal of the PBR bull series, on page 12 is the reveal of the first porcelain Connoisseur - Tenacious! You'll recognize the mold as the sculpt that eventually became the Classic/Freedom Series Stock Horse, aka Liam. 

After skipping Breyer jr. and the 2003 retired list, on page 18 is the winner of the 2003 World's Best School Horse Contest! I had the Commander Riker model but (story of my life) sold it off for shelf space some time ago. I wasn't able to find any additional information about Commander Riker, but with a calculated birth year of 1988, it's probably safe to assume he's passed on by now. 

The Commander Riker article wraps up on page 19, and there's a sneak peek of some Easter releases for 2004. I always thought Frolic was cute! Too bad I sold mine. 

After skipping a book review, a judge's clinic and most of Horse Trader, on page 25 we have the Holiday Photo Cover Contest winners! 

On page 26 we come to this week's Vintage Point, featuring the Saddlebred Weanling.

The rest of the Vintage Point article wraps up on page 27. 

After skipping Collector's Corner (titled "a hobby perspective" this week) and the Calendar of Events as usual, on the back cover we have the reveal of Buffalo Bill's Isham, a beautiful gray PAS! This may be the first Breyer special run for Tractor Supply, as well. 

That brings us to the end of this week's issue, and the end of 2003 - check back next week for Jan/Feb 2004! 

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