Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Horatio and the next Vintage Club release!

 Huh - the title to this post kind of sounds like the title to a mystery novel or something. Oh well. Good news, everyone! The Deluxe Collector Club Stablemate, Horatio, is now available to order! 

I'm surprised that he's available so early, but I'm not complaining. He's free with the club membership, so all you have to do is confirm your shipping address. Huzzah! I can't wait to get this guy in hand so my plastic Othello conga can stay almost-complete. Wait...this means he's probably going to be the Best Customs Contest runner-up prize next year, right? Perish the thought...

In other news, we also have a new Vintage Club release today - the gambler's choice! Check it out: 

Those colors are nice, but they're nothing I need. I really like the buckskin, but the Appaloosa has a weird-looking mouth. The bay pinto looks like he'd match up well with Robin and Nestling on the Running Mare/Foal. And here's the VC Stablemate! 

Also nothing I need. Looks like I got lucky this year! I still haven't gotten my hands on any Thunderbirds from last year, but maybe someday. 

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