Saturday, September 14, 2024

Featured JAH - 9/14/2024, Jan/Feb 2003

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! We're entering a new era with this issue. No more half-size issues - we're full-size, baby! And the magazine has been totally redesigned! We've hit the big time! 

On the front cover, Affirmed is featured, in conjunction with Breyer's release of his portrait model.

In the Editor's Desk, Stephanie talks about the changes to the magazine and introduces Natasha Wieschenberg as editor. At the same time, Natasha introduces herself and was clearly REALLY excited to reveal the redesign of the magazine. 

On page 3 is a small news roundup and the reveal of JAH's new Editorial Board of Advisors, consisting of Tom Bainbridge, Jenn Danza, Kim Jipson and Sheryl Leisure. These were/are well-known names in the hobby.

On page 4 is the beginning of the Affirmed article. Sheesh, it's weird not covering two pages per scan here.

On page 5 is the rest of the Affirmed article and the reveal of his Breyer model. 

After skipping articles about the Triple Crown, customizing with pastels and harnessing models, on page 12 we have an article about Breyer portrait horse Marengo. 

After skipping Breyer jr., on page 17 is the reveal of the beautiful Lanark's Rosebud, first Connoisseur model of 2003. I didn't enter for this one due to not having any money, so the entry form is even still in this issue. 

After skipping Collector's Corner, on page 19 is an article about painting horse eyes by Tom Bainbridge.

After skipping an article about making a western bridle, Horse Trader (now down to 1.25 pages), a book review and Calendar of Events, on pae 25 is another World's Best School Horse contest. Sorry for skipping so much stuff, but now that we're down to one page per scan, less-important stuff has to be cut out so these posts aren't a mile long. 

On page 26 is a fun story about a Castaway Cob. The article says to keep an eye out for future updates about the Cob, but I don't remember ever seeing him again. Maybe he'll pop up later.

On page 27 is the first page of this week's Vintage Point, this time featuring the Fury Prancer. 

On page 28 is more of the Fury Prancer article. 

On page 29 is the rest of the Vintage Point article. My only addition to this article is that according to IDYB, only about twelve of the blue Fury Prancers exist, and I've seen two of them at live shows I attended this year. What are the odds of that? Heh. 

On the back cover of this issue (at the end of the post - how novel), we have the debut of Northern Lights on the Smoky mold. I had this guy at one point - I always liked his colors. 

That's it for this week - check back next week for Mar/Apr 2003!

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