Monday, May 6, 2024


 Greetings, readers! As promised, my replacement Domingo has finally arrived! Behold:

He's much, much better than the last one (although the masking around his medicine hat still isn't great)! 

I'll admit I haven't tried scratching him to see if his white paint scrapes off as easily as the last one's did - mainly because I don't want to turn this one into a body. I was extremely careful handling him because I don't know if the last one was a one-off or they're all like that - because it really shouldn't be that easy to scratch off the paint. 

Quality-wise he's pretty great, other than the so-so masking. His eyes are a little sloppy too, but nothing terrible. I might try live showing him later on. 

Which reminds me - I'm going to a live show on Saturday! I'll be at Bluegrass Live in Nicholasville, KY on Saturday. See if you can figure out which wild-eyed novice shower is me! I may even hand out free Stablemates to people mentioning the blog, if I can remember to bring the box they live in. This will be my first (real) show - I did a fun show last year that had about six participants - which was fun, but not nearly on the same level. I now have all my show models packed and documentation finished, so I'm just about ready for the show! Now I just have to contain my excitement until Saturday! 

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