I'm relieved we got to see him yesterday - I was afraid they'd make us wait until Friday for the reveal!
While it's too early to say I love him yet (I'll save that for whenever I get into the Collector Club tent to see him this weekend), I'm definitely leaning in the "buy" direction. He's just so beefy! Like I said, I know they're supposed to look like that, but still!

The beefiness is especially evident in the off-side shot. I like his tail better from this angle, though.

I do like his head, though. Another question - will Breyer's painters be able to pull off that paint job? It doesn't look terribly complicated, so I'm optimistic about it. Can't wait to see him this weekend!
Speaking of this weekend, I would have had this guy posted yesterday, but we were up until midnight packing and loading the car, so I just didn't have the time. My husband started the drive this morning, and my daughter and I are flying out tomorrow, so I probably won't be able to update again until Thursday. Fortunately, that's when the action starts! I won't make any promises, but I'm hoping to be able to provide updates all weekend for viewers at home. As usual, we're staying in room 409 (giddyup!), so stop by and mention the blog and you'll get a free (RR) Stablemate, while supplies last! See you all soon!
I just now saw this horse. Thank you for sharing!