I've seen a lot of differences in color with these models - some of them are incredibly metallic, where others aren't. Mine seems to be somewhere in the middle; somewhat metallic, but not excessively so (not that lots of metallic paint would bother me). The metallic sheen steps up a paintjob that might have been somewhat boring otherwise! I like the white in his tail, too.

Now, I think this guy is my favorite of all the Hero's Welcome colors. He's pearly, he's a pretty color, and he's a medicine hat pinto to boot! I love him. If only I'd been able to pull a glossy from the special run line...but I can't really complain. Even if his color isn't realistic for his breed, I still love him. I'm really glad Breyer made him so pearly despite not being the super-rare variant like the black Appaloosa. And I'm super-glad I was able to trade my extra dapple gray for this one!

The chestnut pinto is my favorite of the surprise colors this year, but the rose gray is definitely my second favorite. He's gorgeous! Too bad his dapples couldn't be a little more subtle. And it might have just been the small sample size, but when I was trading my extra champagne for this one, both of the available rose grays I had to pick from were riddled with small flaws, so that was disappointing. Were more of them like that? I hope not.
Altogether though, the surprise models were all beautiful this year! Check in again (maybe tomorrow?) for more new arrivals!
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