Good news, everyone! My Finn and Grace models are finally here, and I have photos to share! I'll start with Finn - behold!

No, I didn't get the rainbow, sadly. So this guy will be for sale. As a reminder, he's a mini-me of
Lucy, and I think he matches her fairly well. His spots are smaller than hers and he doesn't have the molded-on halter, but otherwise he's a good match.
Although all of the Finns I've seen photos of look pretty nice, I wish the teeth had been executed a little better. They look like someone just slapped some white paint on there, and what equid has such perfectly white teeth, anyway? They'd look a little less weird if they were more of an ivory/slightly yellowed shade, but then I guess people would probably complain about it.
Other than the weird teeth, my Finn looks to be in pretty good shape, and since I don't collect the G2 Mule, he'll be for sale soon. On to Grace!
I got the dapple gray - my favorite of the three! Yay!
She's pretty flawless, too - I didn't see anything wrong with her, except for a slightly bent left eartip (which is common with these girls).
Dapple gray is my favorite real-life horse color, so it's not surprising that I liked this color best of the three. I'll be on the lookout for the other two, though. Hopefully the prices go down eventually...
As for her sticker, I'm not much for leaving those on (and it was already starting to come off), so I stuck it on her COA. I doubt she'll ever be for sale, and even if I did eventually sell her, I doubt any potential buyer would be terribly concerned about it either. As long as I still have it, right?
All in all, I'm very happy with my Grace - I just wish I hadn't lost so much money selling the previous two releases in the club. I'm really hoping next year's club either has more releases I want (not likely), or it doesn't have any modern molds at all (somewhat likely). Here's hoping!
As for next year's club, I did get a sneak peek of one of the releases with my Grace. Check it out!

Drat! I think I predicted the Pacer for the 2017 club, but I didn't stick with him for later years for some reason. Oh well! That's a beautiful color on him, but the mold isn't for me, sadly. Well, that's one Vintage Club 2019 release I don't need to worry about buying - hopefully we get to see the rest of them soon. Now, you'll have to excuse me while I go listen to the
Rockford Files theme song.