Saturday, June 6, 2020

Featured Model - 6/6/20, Bristol

Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model from my collection, give some stats on it and provide commentary about it. This week's model is...Bristol!

Okay, I know I just talked about Voyeur a few weeks ago, but I couldn't help it. Anyways...

Bristol was the first Premier Club model of 2018. He's item #90188 and was sculpted by Morgen Kilbourn. While Breyer hasn't released Premier Club numbers in quite some time, it's safe to assume between 750-1000 were produced - possibly more than that, but there's no way to know for sure.

I wanted to talk about Bristol because I think he's one of the nicest OFs Breyer has done in the last few years! His pose is attractive and dynamic, his paint job is detailed and well-executed, the pinto pattern suits him quite well and he's a beautiful shade of buckskin. I hope we see a color similar to this again soon!

As for the mold himself, Bristol has seen a lot of releases in his short two years of existence. He should be appearing next as this year's optional Vintage Club model, Barrington, and I'm excited to see that one in the flesh! Hopefully he looks better than the promo photos. A lot of people think Bristol will be the Breyerfest surprise, but...since he was just used as Redmond, and has the aforementioned Barrington release coming up, plus having been used at both of the last two Breyerfests, I think it might be a bit of overkill using him as the surprise so soon. I think Breyer will probably give him a rest for a while after this year and then maybe bring him back as a web special sometime next year. Whatever they use him for next, I hope the wait isn't too long!


  1. When I asked Breyer about the Premier Club numbers in 2019, all they would say is "over 1000." I think it would probably be close to that in 2018 as well.

    1. Thanks for the info! Sounds like the PC has healthy subscription numbers then.
