Friday, May 8, 2020

Nayati models and a new Classic unicorn!

Greetings, everyone! Good news - my Nayati models came! I had fun unboxing them all - here are some photos for your enjoyment. First, the three boxes...

The suspense was killing me. What if I got three of the same color, like the three blue Othellocorns? What a headache. I thought maybe I'd get lucky and only two of them would be the same color.

Hmm, I see some spots in there, and some not-spots. Could it be? Did I hit the trifecta?

SCORE!!! I got all three colors! Time to go buy a lottery ticket!

While I like all three colors, I think the dunalino is my favorite, followed by the bay pinto. Not to say I don't like the leopard - the color is definitely growing on me. I think the pinto would have been spectacular if he was also glossy, but they probably did that for the people who don't like gloss.

It's hard to see, but the pinto does have a blue eye (along with some weird paint issues on his chest/shoulder). A lot of people think Breyer's blue eyes look weird, but I like them most of the time.

Like I said, the leopard is growing on me too. If I could only get my hands on a Jackpot, this guy would have a twin! Oh well.

I love the shading on the dunalino...and I don't even like palomino models that much! This guy would make a nice companion for Cheveyo, or a glossy Cheveyo if I had one of those. Maybe someday! In the meantime, this guy has a very appealing color. I hope we see it again sometime!

In other news, there's a new Classic-size unicorn showing up at Walmart. I don't have a photo I can use yet, but it's a white unicorn with rainbow mane/tail on the American Quarter Horse Stallion mold by Moody, and his name is Sugar. Nothing I need to buy (the mold has always looked weird and awkward to me), but he's definitely pretty!

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