Greetings, readers! Exciting news - my 70th Anniversary Collection purchases have arrived! They're the only 2020 releases I've purchased so far, though I'm sure more will find their way here eventually (part of me is grumbling about the unicorn mystery foal sets not being on Breyer's website yet). So, without further ado...let's take a look at the palomino Hamilton! Here's the back of his box:

Sorry in advance for the horrible photos. It's certainly an interesting and informative box! I know you all want to see the model, though, so I won't delay any longer.
He's...he' beautiful...just like the calendar photo indicated he would be. I still can't believe he's a regular run! I thought he would be a raffle model or limited edition for sure.
My hasty cell phone photos don't do him justice at all. He's stunning...and I
really hope Breyer doesn't end up glossing some of these for the collector club appreciation event at the end of the year. They usually save the glossing for stuff that doesn't sell as well, though, so this guy probably won't show up there, if recent sales history has been anything to judge.
Next, let's take a look at the Andalusian!
Another fun box! But let's see the model.
At first I was a little disgruntled that the Moody Andalusian was being done in gray again, after two of the colors he was used for at Breyerfest were also gray, but on closer inspection I don't mind it so much, because he's so drastically different from other gray editions. I've always had a soft spot for grays with the really dark mane and tail - in a real horse, it means he's still fairly young and still has a long ways to go before he completely grays out. And he's beautiful!
He's not as yellow-looking as the photos make him look.
And, last but not least...the chase piece! Yes, I was able to get one!
There's his box. But let's see the real thing!
What a handsome boy! I wish Breyer would do black and white pintos more often.

It may be hard to see in the photos, but he does have two blue eyes, and they're actually pretty nicely done. His eyes are a nice pastel blue, instead of being really stark like
Isadora-Cruce or similar.
I did find it interesting that a lot of people are pooh-poohing this release because he's "boring," when last year's Breyerfest Best Customs prize model, Leap of Faith, was basically the same color and everyone loved him. Undoubtedly part of that is because Bristol is the new hot item and Smarty Jones is old news, but I still found it a little funny.
Quality-wise, these guys were all excellent - I didn't see any issues with any of them. I suppose Breyer probably wanted these to be really nice because they're part of a special collection. Well, they're definitely welcome here! Now let me go back to hoping one of us gets drawn to go to the Seattle Soiree next week (no luck again today)...
Where did you buy them from? I'm hoping to grab a few, but I'm not really finding them available anywhere.
ReplyDeleteI got mine from Triple Mountain - it looks like the Andalusian, Fighter and Indian Pony are in stock, but the Hamilton and chase piece have both been quick sellers, so they're currently out of stock. These are regular run items though, so they'll come back in stock eventually.
DeleteThanks! :) - Also, I love your blog. I've read every post!