Greetings, readers! Well, the first day of BreyerMidwest is over. It feels weird writing about this! I only typically do this type of post during Breyerfest. Oh well - it's not like I have anything else to post about, right? Hahaha...anyways. After waking up at 5:30am due to people making noise in the hallways (who's awake willingly at that horrible hour), I was too excited for the show to fall back asleep. So I found my way to the show hall and things got going promptly at 9! Here's how I did:

Not as good as I would have liked, but I guess it could have been worse. Seems my mistake was mostly bringing Stablemates - I was trying to avoid wrangling a ton of plastic totes into and out of my car (not to mention the 12.5-hour trip and only having a half table) but I think a lot of other people had the same idea, considering the size of the OF Mini classes compared to pretty much everything else. If I'd brought all regular run Traditionals, I'm pretty sure I would have been a lot more successful. Possible strategy for Breyerfest Live, if I manage to get into that? Are the regular run classes comparatively small at that show? Food for thought.
Anyway, there were also several Breyerfest 2025 models on display! Whoops, I missed getting a photo of the Celebration Horse, but here's the Stablemates:
That black Augustus looks absolutely luscious in gloss!
Hoopla and Shindig were both looking handsome - I'll need to get both of those (although I've been considering selling off my Bristol conga lately...decisions, decisions). Next, the Limited Edition Beau N'Arrow:
And the Limited Edition Halcyonia Night Life:
And Limited Edition Game Day Surprise:

And the last Limited Edition, Belesema Sapphire:
Very pretty! Next, here's special run Future is Bright:
And special run Hats Off to You:
And special runs Let the Good Times Roll and To The Ties that Bind Us:
They all look pretty good in person.
Also, although I didn't get photos, the silent auction lots include the Design Your Own Breyer, a glossy Worth It manager's model, a colorshift Speos, a glossy Athena, a Breyerfest 2024 vendor pack, a Bondi and possibly other things I'm forgetting.
Lastly, the volunteer/ambassador model (well, two of them) was revealed at the end of the day:
Just my luck they'd pick a mold I collect, again. Fortunately, I managed to make this happen:
Success! Apparently his speckly white markings are intended to be something similar to manchado markings. He reminds me of cookies 'n' cream ice cream, so that may end up being his name. I haven't gotten my hands on a gray one yet, but hopefully tomorrow! It's great actually being here for the event so I don't have to pay for shipping and then wait for it to arrive.
Lastly, here's my glossy Marc of Charm, with a passenger:
Geralt couldn't resist going for a ride on that glossy goodness.
Well, that's all I have for today. Tomorrow I'm planning on sleeping in (if I don't get woken up early again - who knows) and then heading to Equifest to check out those activities. Still gotta check out the vendor fair and see if they have anything good for sale. I'll be back to write up my report on Day 2 after I get done with the swap meet tomorrow night. See you then!