Saturday, March 22, 2025

BreyerMidwest Day 2

 Well, the second day of BreyerMidwest is over! It was...a bit slower of a day than yesterday, but that's probably for the best, considering the extremely long drive awaiting me tomorrow. It was a pretty leisurely day, really - sleep in, head to Equifest, wander around there for a while...the only deadline I really had was getting to the silent auction at 2:30 (success!) and then the swap meet at 7 (also success!) Behold, the day's purchases! 

I was successful in both of today's goals - get the glossy Athenian Lady in the silent auction, and find a gray Salud! Woohoo! I also found the two blind bag Stablemates I still needed from last year's new series (well, technically I still need the G2 TB chase piece, but I don't want to pay much more than retail for it), plus a red filigree Wassail for a decent price. Not pictured: the two pony pouches I bought with the last of my cash. They're intended for Stablemate foals, with two spaces each. I may have to buy more later if I keep showing a lot of Stablemate foals.

So the swap meet was a success as well, although the room really wasn't quite big enough for the amount of selling going on within. There was a big long hallway right outside, so I kinda figure some of those tables could have gone out there? They probably could have sold even more tables, too. I'm low-key jealous I couldn't get into the swap meet, because there were a ton of people shopping and it would have been great to get some stuff sold. Oh well.

So that's pretty much it for my BreyerMidwest trip! Now to get some rest before the long drive tomorrow.

Featured JAH - 3/22/2025, July/Aug 2007

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week's issue is July/Aug 2007, so let's get started! 

On the front cover, the model version of Hotshot and rider round the last barrel in a barrel racing pattern. 

In the Editor's Desk, Arlene previews the magazine as usual, and there's also a "find the model" contest for Hotshot, and a correction from the previous issue! Oops. 

Letters to the Editor appears on page 3. There's a reminder that Horse Trader (RIP) can now be found on the Breyer website. I wonder how long that lasted? 

On page 4 is yet another Breyerfest preview! That auction model on the Fighting Stallion is pretty, but Yankee Doodle Dandy is a model I'd love to get my hands on. 

The Breyerfest preview concludes on page 5. I wonder whatever happened to that colorshift Sherman Morgan? 

On page 6 is the first page of the article about Hotshot. 

The Hotshot article concludes on page 7. 

On page 8 we have The Artist's Sketch, featuring well-known Breyer sculptor Sarah Rose! 

The fall Collector's Choice model, Sierra Blanco, makes his debut on page 9! 

On page 10 we have an article about model horse hobbyists coming together to save some rescue horses! 

After skipping an ad for the Stablemates Riding Academy, an article about barrel racing, what's left of Breyer jr., and the JAH model horse show, on page 17 we have some photos from various Breyer events. 

After skipping Winners' Circle, the model horse show results and a how-to article, on page 22 we have a recap of the British Equine Collectors Forum Hobby Day. 

After skipping Breyer UK and Collector's Corner, on page 26 is the first page of this week's Vintage Point, featuring the Classic Mustang Foal! 

Vintage Point wraps up on page 27. 

After skipping On the Trail with Breyer and the Calendar of Events as usual, on the back cover we have new Pony Gals! And that brings us to the end of this week's issue. Check back next week for Sept/Oct 2007! 

Friday, March 21, 2025

BreyerMidwest Day 1

 Greetings, readers! Well, the first day of BreyerMidwest is over. It feels weird writing about this! I only typically do this type of post during Breyerfest. Oh well - it's not like I have anything else to post about, right? Hahaha...anyways. After waking up at 5:30am due to people making noise in the hallways (who's awake willingly at that horrible hour), I was too excited for the show to fall back asleep. So I found my way to the show hall and things got going promptly at 9! Here's how I did:

Not as good as I would have liked, but I guess it could have been worse. Seems my mistake was mostly bringing Stablemates - I was trying to avoid wrangling a ton of plastic totes into and out of my car (not to mention the 12.5-hour trip and only having a half table) but I think a lot of other people had the same idea, considering the size of the OF Mini classes compared to pretty much everything else. If I'd brought all regular run Traditionals, I'm pretty sure I would have been a lot more successful. Possible strategy for Breyerfest Live, if I manage to get into that? Are the regular run classes comparatively small at that show? Food for thought.

Anyway, there were also several Breyerfest 2025 models on display! Whoops, I missed getting a photo of the Celebration Horse, but here's the Stablemates:

That black Augustus looks absolutely luscious in gloss!

Hoopla and Shindig were both looking handsome - I'll need to get both of those (although I've been considering selling off my Bristol conga lately...decisions, decisions). Next, the Limited Edition Beau N'Arrow:

And the Limited Edition Halcyonia Night Life:

And Limited Edition Game Day Surprise:








And the last Limited Edition, Belesema Sapphire:

Very pretty! Next, here's special run Future is Bright:

And special run Hats Off to You:

And special runs Let the Good Times Roll and To The Ties that Bind Us:

They all look pretty good in person. 

Also, although I didn't get photos, the silent auction lots include the Design Your Own Breyer, a glossy Worth It manager's model, a colorshift Speos, a glossy Athena, a Breyerfest 2024 vendor pack, a Bondi and possibly other things I'm forgetting.

Lastly, the volunteer/ambassador model (well, two of them) was revealed at the end of the day:

Just my luck they'd pick a mold I collect, again. Fortunately, I managed to make this happen:

Success! Apparently his speckly white markings are intended to be something similar to manchado markings. He reminds me of cookies 'n' cream ice cream, so that may end up being his name.  I haven't gotten my hands on a gray one yet, but hopefully tomorrow! It's great actually being here for the event so I don't have to pay for shipping and then wait for it to arrive.

Lastly, here's my glossy Marc of Charm, with a passenger:

Geralt couldn't resist going for a ride on that glossy goodness.

Well, that's all I have for today. Tomorrow I'm planning on sleeping in (if I don't get woken up early again - who knows) and then heading to Equifest to check out those activities. Still gotta check out the vendor fair and see if they have anything good for sale. I'll be back to write up my report on Day 2 after I get done with the swap meet tomorrow night. See you then!

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Wow, Jewels must have really not sold well

 Well, readers, after an arduous 12.5-hour trip, I've made it to the BreyerMidwest host hotel! Huzzah! Geralt and I are all settled in and ready for bed, but first I need to write a quick blog post! Firstly, there's a new Easter plush on the website

What a cutie! I like the little butterflies, although she's a little too pink for me. Find her here. Also, Breyer is doing a 10% off sale this weekend and Collector Club members can get 20% off, so if you're willing to risk ordering something and not having it ship for a month or so, go forth and purchase!

Anyways, this was also announced today!

A "limited quantity" of leftover Jewels models will be available at this year's Road to the Horse event, with an added decal on the butt! Cool, I guess - too bad they're basically just clearing out the warehouse. I kinda feel like a realistic-looking special run would have been better? Pretty sure they had a ton of leftover Harkness and/or Gascon the Great models that would have worked better, but that's just me. 

That's it for today! I'll be busy at the BreyerMidwest live show all day tomorrow, so check back tomorrow for my report! And if you're at the show, look for Geralt and Roach and say hello! Good luck to everyone in the show!

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Breyerfest tickets are finally available!

 Good news, readers! We can finally buy Breyerfest tickets! 

After a lot of unexplained delay, anyways. So, go forth and buy your tickets if you've been waiting! Now we just have to wait for the event itself. I probably won't buy mine until closer to the early bird deadline (4/30). Let's hope we get some prize model reveals or something, because it's been a wasteland of news lately. But anyway, I need to get back to my BreyerMidwest prep, because I'm leaving on Thursday morning and I still need to finish making my documentation. I'm planning on being at the Open Show on Friday, so if you're there, look for Geralt and Roach and say hi! 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Featured JAH - 3/15/2025, May/June 2007

 Hello and welcome to yet another edition of Featured JAH! This week's issue is May/June 2007, so let's get going! 

On the front cover, Maximum Zippo and Jana Simons compete at the 2005 APHA World Show. 

In the editor's desk, Arlene previews the magazine as usual, and reveals that Sand Dollar was originally named Sandra Dee. 

On page 3 we have Letters to the Editor. There's also a notice that Horse Trader can now be found on the Breyer website. The Internet finally killed it! RIP. 

On page 4 we have another Breyerfest 2007 preview, including a reveal of all the special runs and raffle models! Poor Dr. Zhivago was a bit of a flop - leftovers were found in the Breyer Store for years afterward. 

The Breyerfest preview wraps up on page 5. 

After skipping an article about Paint Horses, the Simons family, and The Artist's Sketch, on page 10 we have an article about the Trait du Nord breed, with a reveal of the new model on the Belgian! 

The Trait du Nord article concludes on page 11. 

On page 12 is the aforementioned Sand Dollar! One of the more sought-after Connoisseur models. 

After skipping Winners' Circle, the much-reduced kids' section, the JAH model horse show and another ad for Breyerwest, on page 18 we have a "Breyer-Canada" page, with a section on the Castle Toys Fun Day back in March 2007. There's also a blurb about the Ruffian movie. 

After skipping the model horse show results and a how-to article, on page 22 we have an article about collector's classes! 

The collector's class article wraps up on page 23. 

After skipping Collector's Corner and Breyer UK, on page 26 is the Vintage Point article for this issue, featuring the Classics Terrang! 

The Vintage Club article ends on page 27. 

After skipping On the Trail with Breyer and the Calendar of Events, on the back cover we find an ad for scented Wind Dancers! And that brings us to the end of this week's issue. Check back next week for July/Aug 2007! 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Premier Club welcome letter!

 Greetings, readers! Well, my Premier Club welcome letters came - yes, letters, because I have two Premier Club memberships this year. Dang Breyer got me again, but I couldn't resist, considering this year's offerings. Anyways, here's the letter! 

It gives us important information like the order of releases (Cosimo, then Rowan, then Winnifred) as well as the sculptor of the Stablemate for this year (Maggie Jenner-Bennett). You know, standard stuff they should have told us when we joined the club. But I digress. Here's the sketch! 

I'm definitely glad Cosimo is the first release after all - something to look forward to! Woohoo! 

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to work on show documentation...and that reminds me, I'll be at Huntington Live: Birds of a Feather on Saturday! Look for Geralt and Roach and say hi!